Monday, June 27, 2005

I love camping and try to go as much as possible. I wanted to try something new, techinical canyoneering, and who better to try it with than my wife.
Canyoneering is hiking through tight canyons where you can encounter water, cliffs, dry waterfalls, and all types of critters. After making the decision to go to a technical canyon, it was time to teach Jennifer and Quentin how to repel. She picked it up quickly and felt comfortable with it.
We planned to do The North Fork of Robbers Roost in Canyonlands, Utah. We decided to go in November due to the fact thatslot canyons are very dangerous if it rains.
We left on Friday at 9am and arrived at the trailhead around 5pm that evening. After a goods night desert sleep, we awoke and started down the private road towards the beginning of the canyon. We found the wide open wash that quickly narrowed down to 5 feet wide and 100's of feet deep. After an hour of hiking, we ran into the first of four repels. The fun began and never stopped. We were amazed by the surroundings and had the canyon all to ourselves. There were areas the canyon was less than 3 feet wide, your shoulders scrapped going through. It took 8 hours to get back to the car and the overland desert, fully exposed hike was not to
enjoyable. We made it to the car around 4pm and decided to drive back to Denver that night. We arrived home around 2am to a nice comfy bed.

top - Jennifer on Second Repel
2nd -Jennifer walking through canyon between repel 2 and 3
3rd -Jennifer on repel 3
4th -Kenn on Repel 4
5th -Jennifer walking in canyon just before repel 4


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